The Witness Class, Craniosacral Rhythms, Inner Stillness

"Participate in this class and discover the importance of being present, still, neutral and energetically engaged in order to encourage the body to heal itself--essentially and ultimately learning 'How to Be a Witness.'" -- Don Ash


U.S.: 18 CEUs (NCBTMB)

Pre-requisite: SE1 or advanced CST class equivalent (Phone the CST Alliance office at 603-948-2820 if you have questions about equivalent qualifications.)

2025 Dates and Registration Information:

  • April 25-27 - (Hours*: 9am-5pm, Fri.-Sun.) in Rochester, New Hampshire at the CST Alliance, 249 Rochester Hill Road, Rochester, NH 03867. Instructor is Don Ash, CSTA-CP-I (Ret. PT). 18 NCBTMB CEUs, $525 U.S. ($300 deposit due with registration to hold your spot; balance of $225 due two weeks before class). Study guides will be provided and class size will be limited. Please wear comfortable clothing to class. Pre-registration is required. To register online please complete the registration form and payment below. To register by phone, please call 603-948-2820. *Registration begins on Friday, April 25 starting at 8:30am, class starts at 9am. If you need lodging, we recommend Comfort Inn Dover, New Hampshire book with Kevin Elliot for CSTA rate ph: (603) 750-7507. Attendees will receive a certificate and a letter of attendance.

Highly Recommended Reading:

"CST Handbook" Don Ash order here

"Lessons from the Sessions" Don Ash order here

"Body of Water Ocean of Mind" Don Ash order here

"To You Who Dance, Poems in the Rhythm of Life Dancing" Don Ash order here

"Healing Power of Water" Musaru Emoto

"The Art of Forgiveness, Loving Kindness and Peace" Jack Kornfield

"Jonathan Livingston Seagull" Richard S. Bach

Visit the CSTA Store page to purchase the first four books above by Don Ash.

Questions about this class or want to register by phone? Please call the CST Alliance office at 603-948-2820 and ask for Jill.

Payment plans are available for students. Please phone Jill at the CST Alliance office for more information. 603-948-2820

2 Steps to Register for Witness: Submit Form, Pay for Class

Step 1: Complete this form, click "submit registration" and then make payment.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Step 2: PAYMENTS: Either a $300 deposit or full $525 payment is required to confirm your registration. Use your PayPal account, your Venmo account, or your own credit or debit card.

$300 Deposit Will Hold Your Spot - Registrations must be PAID IN FULL two weeks prior to start of class, unless other arrangements are made.