"Participate in this class and discover the importance of being present, still, neutral and energetically engaged in order to encourage the body to heal itself--essentially and ultimately learning 'How to Be a Witness.'" -- Don Ash
In this three-day workshop--typically held every other year--we explore the power of THE MOST neutral stance as therapist/facilitator, that of Witness. This class is designed to open the therapist to the natural elements of life -- breath, water and awareness -- in order to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the craniosacral rhythms, our breath, and inner stillness.
Highly Recommended Reading:
"CST Handbook" Don Ash
"Lessons from the Sessions" Don Ash
"Body of Water Ocean of Mind" Don Ash
"To You Who Dance, Poems in the Rhythm of Life Dancing" Don Ash
"Healing Power of Water" Musaru Emoto
"The Art of Forgiveness, Loving Kindness and Peace" Jack Kornfield
"Jonathan Livingston Seagull" Richard S. Bach
Visit the CSTA Store page to purchase the first four books above by Don Ash.