CST Alliance Faculty

Don Ash, CSTA-CP-I (Ret. PT)

Craniosacral Therapy Author, Illustrator, Practitioner

National and International CST Instructor and Speaker

Licensed Physical Therapist in New Hampshire and Maine (Retired)

Owner of Alliance Physical Therapy, Rochester, New Hampshire

"In 2005 I promised Dr. John I would work for the rest of my life to move craniosacral therapy forward."


Don Ash is a physical therapist with over 35 years in PT and over 25 years of experience in craniosacral therapy. He has an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Huron University and a physical therapy degree from University of Pennsylvania. He trained directly with Dr. John Upledger and wrote, taught, treated and shared trades with Dr. John for many years. He was a multi-level teacher, co-chairman of the certification program and diplomate certified with the UI for many years. In 2009 he founded the Craniosacral Therapy Alliance (CST Alliance), co-creating a 7-class curriculum leading to certification (CSTA-CP-certified practitioner). He maintains his PT private practice (Alliance Physical Therapy, 1978) specializing in CST in Rochester, New Hampshire. He also continues to grow the CST Alliance with new teachers and practitioners world wide. He is dedicated to moving CST forward with his ground breaking class, "Craniosacral Therapy Around Death and Dying" CADD and continues to teach and develop the CST Alliance curriculum nationally and internationally to all lineages of CST students. He enjoys sailing, kayaking, and spending time with his grandkids and family on his homestead farm on Blue Job Mountain in the seacoast region of New Hampshire. Book a CST Appointment with Don


Don has authored three books and a CD:

"Lessons From the Sessions" copyright 2005

"CST Handbook" copyright 2022

"Body of Water, Ocean of Mind" copyright 2011

"Breath Venting" CD copyright 2007

Sarah Ash, LMT, CSTA-CP-I

Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner and Instructor

Massage Therapist Since 2006

Co-Owner Craniosacral Therapy Alliance

Sarah "Coach" Ash graduated from Northern Vermont University (formerly: Lyndon State College) with a BS degree in Physical Education. There she played women's soccer for four years and women's softball for two years. She then went on to get an associates degree in Allied Health Science, concentrating in Massage Therapy from the Community College of Vermont while raising her infant daughter at the time. Sarah then transitioned home to raise her daughter on her family’s farm and run her family’s physical therapy private practice and continue her education in craniosacral therapy. Sarah has been a massage therapist for 16 years and since 2009 has been working side-by-side in Rochester, NH with her father treating craniosacral clients at Alliance Physical Therapy. Sarah really loves learning from her clients and working with sports injury clients, post-surgical and/or rehabilitation clients. "Craniosacral and massage is such a beautiful combination of modalities. Listening to the body and being guided by the Inner Wisdom is always such a honor," says Sarah. Today, Sarah co-owns The Craniosacral Therapy Alliance with her parents Don and Jill and is a CSTA-CP Certified Practitioner (2019) and CSTA Instructor (2020). Sarah has developed our BEtweener classes, appeared on the "Breath Venting" CD, co-teaches Ethics and CATS classes and currently teaches BE1, BE2 and CST Exploration classes. Sarah enjoys spending time with her daughter Cameran, skiing, working out, cooking, reading, traveling and playing with their bulldog Gracie. Sarah has also been known to coach soccer and basketball at the local elementary school and has been given the name "Coach" by many of the kids she's had the privilege of coaching. Book a CST Appointment with Sarah

Gina Flores, BA, LMT, CSTA-CP-I, CA

Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner and Instructor

Licensed Massage Therapist in New York, Nationally Certified

Certified Newborn and Infant Massage Instructor

CSTA-CP and UI Certified CST Therapist

Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, USA, Canada

Owner, Essential Body Wisdom, New York City

You can learn more about Gina at www.EssentialBodyWisdom.com

Gina holds a BA in Dance Education, performed professionally, taught ballet, modern dance, and rehabilitative exercise, before embarking on her career as a New York State Licensed and Nationally Certified Massage Therapist. She is a Certified Newborn and Infant Massage instructor, a CST Alliance CP certified craniosacral therapist, a CST Alliance BE1, BE2 and BE3 instructor, and an Upledger Institute Certified CranioSacral Therapist. Before opening her private practice in 1997, Gina was one of the massage therapists for New York City Ballet and American Ballet Theater. Since then she has worked with other national and international ballet companies as therapist to their dancers, musicians, singers and stage hands. Her private practice welcomes people from all walks of life and people of all ages, including children. Since receiving her certification as a Clinical Aromatherapist both in the USA and Canada, Gina is nationally recognized by the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy, and internationally recognized by the Alliance of International Aromatherapists and the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists. Learn more about Gina at her website: www.EssentialBodyWisdom.com

Kim Guenthner, LMT, CSTA-CP-I

Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner and Instructor

Licensed Massage Therapist in Kentucky, Nationally Certified

CSTA-CP Certified CST Therapist

Owner, Solace Massage Therapy, Louisville, KY

You can learn more about Kim at www.Solace-Massage.com

Kim Guenthner is a nationally certified and licensed massage therapist in Louisville, Kentucky specializing in deep tissue massage, craniosacral therapy, and Reiki. She is a 2007 graduate from the Louisville School of Massage. After working for several years in a multiple-disciplined wellness clinic, Kim began her own practice in 2012. It was while working at Occupational Kinetics in 2011 that Kim attended her first craniosacral class in Chicago, IL with the Upledger Institute. It was during this class Kim experienced firsthand the benefits of CST when it relieved a severe bout of vertigo. She was sold! After completing the four classes of the core curriculum with the Upledger Institute, Kim was introduced to Don Ash and the Craniosacral Therapy Alliance. Impressed with the CSTA's approach to craniosacral therapy, Kim made the decision to begin the journey to become certified with the CSTA and achieved it in 2019. Kim is passionate about craniosacral therapy and enjoys teaching others about the work. She began teaching "An Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy" at Advanced Massage Therapeutics massage school in 2015 and became a BE1 instructor in 2021.

Gary Keeling, BPE, BSc (PT), CSTA-CP-I

Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner and Instructor


Owner, Keeling Physiotherapy, Inc., New Brunswick, Canada

You can reach Gary via email

Gary Keeling is from New Brunswick, Canada, and holds a Bachelor of Physical Education in Sports Science (BPE) from the University of New Brunswick and a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy (BScPT) from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is a CST Alliance CP Certified Practitioner and a CST Alliance BE1, BE2, BE3, CST-SOI instructor. In 1984 he completed a three-month manual therapy course on the spine that was recognized by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA). Gary has been in private practice for the last 30 years and for the last five as Keeling Physiotherapy, Inc. He describes himself as a manual therapist that uses primarily craniosacral therapy augmented with visceral manipulation, neural manipulation and orthopaedic manual therapy. He has been involved in sports medicine clinics and treating amateur, national, and professional athletes. Currently, he teaches Assessment and Palpation and Craniosacral Therapy courses at the Atlantic College of Therapeutic Massage, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Sheryl McGavin, OTL, CSTA-CP-I

Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner and Instructor

Licensed occupational therapist in North Carolina and Florida

Owner, Sheryl McGavin, PLLC, Waxhaw, NC

You can learn more about Sheryl at www.SherylMcGavin.com

Sheryl has been an occupational therapist for over 25 years and has been practicing craniosacral therapy for over 20 years. Originally from Ohio, that is where she opened her first practice specializing in craniosacral therapy. In 1999, she moved to Florida to work at the Upledger Institute. During her 11 years there she worked as a clinician, instructor, instructor ombudsman, and certification examiner. She taught the beginning through advanced level classes nationally and internationally, and worked closely with Dr. John Upledger, co-teaching all of John's upper level classes with him the last year before he retired. A few years ago, Sheryl moved to Waxhaw, North Carolina, where she has started a new practice specializing in providing craniosacral therapy services for clients of all ages and conditions. She continues to teach and mentor students of craniosacral therapy and is currently involved in developing classes and clinical outcomes research projects.

Charise Rogosky, LMT, CSTA-CP-I, CLDT

Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner and Instructor

Licensed Massage Therapist

Certified Lymphatic Drainage Therapist

You can learn more about Charise at  www.ChariseRogoskyCST.com

Charise Rogosky is a licensed massage therapist, specializing in craniosacral therapy. Charise earned her CSTA-CP certification with us in June of 2015 and received certification as a BE1 instructor in September 2016 and as a BE2 instructor in 2017. In 2018 she received certification in Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy with the Monarch Continuing Education program. She has an active CST practice in Reading, Pennsylvania, and received her diploma and certification in massage and bodywork from Lehigh Valley Healing Arts Academy in Emmaus, Pennsylvania in 2006. Her training in craniosacral therapy began in 2004 with the Upledger Institute and she has been an advanced level student with the CST Alliance since 2012. Charise has been informing dentists in her area about the benefits of CST and she currently works with Tammy Balatgek, D.D.S. and staff at the Center for TMJ and Sleep Disorders in Reading, Pennsylvania. Charise teaches our CST Exploration Day workshops, our CST Basic Elements 1 and 2 courses, and our Craniosacral-Lymphatic Integration class. Charise hosts a very informative CST podcast series entitled “Your Inner Wisdom In Fluid Form.” See one episode "Origins of Craniosacral Therapy" on YouTube here

Roy Desjarlais, LMT, CST-D-I

CST Alliance Original Faculty Member

Licensed Massage Therapist

Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner and Instructor for the CST Alliance

Owner, Center for CranioSacral Therapy, Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Read Don Ash's article "Be Still and Know" My CST Brother Roy

Update 2016: Roy was one or our original CST Alliance staff members and teachers. He passed on suddenly in the spring of 2016. His wisdom, kindness, compassion and skill as teacher, colleague, clinician and friend remains  an important influence for us today. He reminds us that no matter what, "there will always be good in the world." It is in this inspiration and pure "Roy Wisdom" that, with family permission and deep gratitude for his continued presence in our lives, we maintain his CST Alliance faculty status as living memorial to a wonderful person.


Roy Desjarlais is a licensed massage therapist with over 24 years of experience. He took his first craniosacral therapy course in 1987 where it proceeded to change his life. Roy decided to leave his job as a graphic designer and obtain his massage license so he could practice CST full time. He then worked for two years in an orthopedic rehabilitation clinic applying CST to pre- and post-surgery patients and trauma patients. Roy then opened his CST clinic where he successfully treated a wide variety of acute, chronic, pediatric, and neurological disorders. In 1994 Roy was invited by Dr. John Upledger to work in the Upledger clinic. Over a period of 15 years at the Upledger Institute he was a clinician, instructor, curriculum developer, instructor ombudsman, certification developer and examiner, and finally Vice President of Clinical Services. He has developed CST classes and taught nationally and internationally for 20 years. Roy owned the Center for CranioSacral Therapy in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, which attracted a full-time patient load from all over Florida, the United States and overseas.